Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dealing With Children's Snoring Problems By Rudy Watkins

If you have a snoring spouse and a child that snores, you might be feeling a little outnumbered. Snoring can be a sign of more serious problems, particularly in children, so it would be wise to get a doctor's opinion rather than just buying a set of earplugs.

kids snoring problemIf one parent is a snorer, the chances are 3 times as likely that children will snore as well. Kids suffering from atopy - a predisposition to asthma and allergies - are 2 times more likely to snore than kids who do not.

Tests have shown snoring children could be at a higher risk for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and other health problems. These same studies have shown through the testing of large numbers of children that African American kids are 3 times more likely to snore than Caucasian, Asian or Bi-Racial children.

In children, snoring can be a sign of a sleep disorder that can have lasting effects. While they may seem unrelated, sleep disorders in children can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems and cardiovascular concerns. Early detection and intervention can make a big difference in the long term.

There are other things that can cause children to snore as well. Studies show that the shape of someone's head can have an effect on the snoring mechanism. Children with round heads are more like to snore than kids with long thin heads.

Excess weight is another cause of snoring, including in children. Being overweight can lead to fatty tissue deposits in the neck and throat area, which can in turn lead to snoring.

Other common causes of snoring in children include enlarged adenoids and/or tonsils, breathing too much second-hand smoke and nasal obstructions.

In some cases, children only snore when they're sick. A cold can cause congestion in the nasal passages, making it harder for air to pass through which can lead to snoring.

One of the main concerns for snoring children is the disruption that can be caused to their sleep. The lack of sleep can affect their performance in school and other activities.

To avoid these issues, you should consult with a health care professional about any snoring problems in your children. They may be relatively benign, but there are some serious problems that can be eliminated by early detection.

Rudy Watkins writes about sleep apnea in children and other related topics on the Apnea Guide website. For more helpful information about sleep apnea, visit http://www.apneaguide.com

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